Plane boarding/unboarding solution

OK, who’s with me? Passenger plane boarding and especially un-boarding is a serious drag. There’s always that person or persons who have all kinds of issues getting their overhead shit down or gathering their personal crap together or just plain have challenges moving their fat ass. amiwrong?

So, submission:


Have planes with detachable passenger ‘pods’ that can be loaded and unloaded via some crane system or retractable arm. This way folks go to the terminal, find their seat, get settled in their own time with access via the side of the pod, then the pod is sealed and slid into the waiting plane like a tin of mints (ok, not the best analogy).

Then when arrived at the destination the whole damn thing is removed from the plane and deposited into the terminal and folks can leave their seats and get their crap at their leisure (to an extent. there should be a time limit when a large volt of electricity is applied to the pod so stragglers are encouraged to move – hehe).

Distopian? maybe. a little.

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