Complimentary businesses

A while back I had an agency give me a test of sorts to see if I was creative.

They wanted me to design a furniture site, in theory anyhow. Come up with something cool they said.

So I thought about it and asked what was the biggest issue with online furniture? One of the big ones, aside from not being able to sit on anything or touch it, is that you can’t see it in context. Some big catalogs will make these impressive fake rooms with all of their product in them and little numbers on everything to explain what they are.

How much is professional photography? We’re talking 6 figures at least. Not gonna happen with a typical startup.

I thought why not find a place that needs furniture in a temporary setting so that you can go in there and take some photos yourself. I thought doesn’t the real estate industry do fake setups with furniture and everything so that their potential customers can see what the house looks like? I know they do. They have to buy furniture for that.

Give/loan real estate companies furniture and set things up, take photos and use them in your site. Win-win.

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